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Welcome to the SDCA homepage!  The SDCA is an association made up of  professionals throughout the state of South Dakota. We are made up of behavioral health professionals, Court Service Officers, Juvenile Corrections Agents, Parole Agents, Jail and Prison staff, law enforcement officers and staff from private run facilities that serve consumers in and around our state. The SDCA holds two conferences per year to help all individuals in the above fields become better equipped to do their jobs, while also providing a great way for members to build relationships with other professionals throughout the state.

Officers and Executive Board


SDCA Officers

Steve Sternhagen President

Kelly Tjeerdsma Past President

Allan Schauer- President elect

Rachael Majeres Treasurer

Deb Eilers Recorder

SDCA Executive Board

Damien Summers

Frank Morton

Chasity Towns

Michelle Payne

Jessica Nieman

Theresa Rensch

JoAnna Mitchell


Pictured left to right, Back row:  Jessica Nieman, Chasity Towns, Deb Eilers, Teresa Rents, JoAnna Mitchell, Damien Summers, Frank Morton

Front Row: Steve Sternhagen, Allan Schauer


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